Friday, August 5, 2011

things to come.

things to come.

It's 10:30 on a Friday night and I really don't have a lot to say. My heart is a little heavy with thoughts of things to come next week. So tonight I will let this photo speak for me. I saw that little maple leaf laying on the grass on a bright, summer's day and was reminded that fall is just around the corner. Soon days will grow shorter, nights longer. The leaves will begin to turn and float gracefully from the trees. And while I'm just beginning to enjoy the summer and our (finally) warm weather, I know it will come to an end. Seasons must change. As hard as it might be for this little heart to bear.


MeaganMusing said...

I hope things next week aren't too tough. The seasons changing is one of my favorite things. I love the way the days get a little shorter and the light looks just a little different every day. Just yesterday I looked up at 9PM and was surprised to see it was completely dark outside. Enjoy you summery weekend!

Anonymous said...

(((((hugs)))) and prayers. You are on my mind a lot.

urban muser said...

beautiful shot. hope everything is OK.

Amanda said...

Hey you, just wanted you to know I'm praying for you this week! A great big ol' hug to ya... ;)

Marvett Smith said...

Beautiful image. I too am just starting to enjoy the summer and although fall is my favorite I'm not ready for it to come. I hope you're ok. You are in my prayers!