Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the gift.

the gift.
A couple of weeks ago we had our Bible Study Christmas party. It was so fun to have the Friday group and the Sunday group meet-up for some yummy treats and chatting. At one point we all had a seat and one of the leaders talked a little bit about all the gift giving we do, and the lists we make (some very specific.) Christmas has become all about gifts these days. As she held-up a gift for us to see, she told us that everyday we are given this gift - Him. He offers Himself to us every single day. Some have never seen the gift that is waiting for them. Some have the gift in hand and have never opened it, or simply don't know how to open it. And some, as you might guess, have opened the gift. He has given us a gift. But what will you give Him? If you gave him one thing, what would it be? What do you think he'd want most from you? I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that all He wants is YOU. All of YOU. The good, the bad, the ugly, the joy, the praise. All of it. All of YOU.

We can't celebrate Christmas without also celebrating Easter. They go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. He was born that He would die on the cross for us. For you. For me. But we have to accept the gift and open it. Simply having the gift isn't enough.

I will be completely honest with you here and tell you that I've had the gift for years. But I've had no idea how to open it all these years. Sounds silly, doesn't it. You'd think it'd be easy, right? Not so much. Because, you see, you have to be completely vulnerable, and a lot of us (ahem...me) have a hard time doing that. I've taken a step. I have surrounded myself once a week with a group of women who are also taking those step; some are just now accepting the gift, some are learning how to open it, and some are digging deeper into that box for more. More of Him.

So I will leave you with this:
Where are you on your journey? Do you have the Gift? Have you opened it? Are you digging deeper? I'm slowly working on opening the Gift. Carefully taking off the bow and ribbon and tape. (Cause I'm a little Type A like that.)
And what will you give Him for Christmas? And for Easter? Here's me being vulnerable with you all again...I'm trying, as hard as it is for me to do, to give Him all of me. My struggles. My hopes. My disappointments. My fear. My worries. My dreams. My joy. My happiness. Myself. Because deep down inside I know He can handle all of it better than I could ever dream of.

That little present on my tree and this post is my gift to YOU this Christmas. (Of course, if I could I'd meet you all for coffee and give each one of you one of those little present and a hug.)
Merry Christmas, friends.


Marvett Smith said...

What a beautiful post from a beautiful soul. I love your words, and I understand so well. I love your gifts, and I love that we each have our own individual gifts to discover. I love that you have shared. Beautiful words, and beautiful image! Merry Christmas my friend!

stacey said...

Andrea, this is so beautiful. The words, the photo, the opening of your heart. It actually made me tear up a little bit. We all need this reminder.

YOU are a gift. And you are loved. I am praying everything is okay with you....have noticed your last few FB statuses and have been thinking about you.

Sending you hugs this Christmas! xox

Naomi said...

Andrea, your words are so lovely. I wish I was that eloquent! It is sometimes hard to let go and let Him lead.... I totally get that. Thanks for sharing. Have yourself a merry little Christmas :)

Jessica said...

And no matter how you are or where you are on your path, you are always OK as you are. Loved, accepted, valued, cherished, JUST as you are.