Wednesday, June 26, 2013


mr. sassy pants
So my friend, Stacey, posted this on her blog the other day. I've seen it around on blogs before, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Currently, I'm...

reading What Alice Forgot

playing catch-up on reading and commenting on blogs.

watching Grey's Anatomy. Again. I'm up to Season Four.

trying to let things go and not react to things so quickly.

cooking not much lately. Haven't been in much of a cooking mood. And with Max in Seattle and Eric in California the past two days, I haven't needed to cook.

eating not a lot lately...dumb cold has left my taste buds lacking. But I did have a hankerin' for shredded hash browns yesterday and made them twice. Weird.

drinking tea with honey for my dry cough and scratchy throat. Though I did enjoy my free birthday drink from Starbucks earlier today. And I really enjoyed my Jamba Juice yesterday!

calling my parents to see how Max is doing. He didn't want to talk to me. Silly boy. Yeah, I kind of miss him when he's gone. It's just too quiet.

texting all of my lovely friends who've sent birthday wishes. I probably text far too much.

crafting, well, not really crafting, but I'm getting photos framed for my gallery wall in the house.

doing a lot of relaxing while Max is gone.

loving the cool, rainy June weather. True PNWesterns can genuinely appreciate it. ;)

going to Seattle tomorrow to celebrate my birthday with my Seattle girlfriends.

disliking that I can't sleep-in late like I used to be able to do. It's too light too early in the morning.

discovering my photography style. I like contrasty black and white edits, and tend to shoot "in your face" type shots. Like the one above, of Mr. Sassy Pants.

enjoying napping every day this week.

thinking, am I really turning forty? How'd that happen so fast?

hoping it's not crazy, ridiculously hot when we are in Colorado.

feeling yucky with a cold, physically. And old, mentally.

listening to a mixed CD I made. Which I was able to record to the new Pilot. Hello, new car technology! Nice to meet you!

celebrating me this week. You only turn forty once. ;)

thanking my friends for all the birthday love this week, and my family for the kid-free past few days.

considering switching to a new blog.

finishing - well, I don't really seem to be getting anything finished lately. Finishing projects isn't really my thing. Just ask my husband.

starting - I've got all sorts of great things started - a few blogs post still in draft mode, picture framing projects, photos to edit, an office to clean... If only I could commit and finish a few of them. ;)

What are you currently up to?...


Marisa said...

I just finished that book today! 20 minutes ago, actually. Crazy! It really made me think about my own ability to "let things go and not react to things so quickly." :) We're in sync today.

And I am loving the rain this week. I'm dreading the near 100 temps in the forecast here for next week.

Happy birthday!

Jean said...

i've thought about doing this, too.
i can't wait for one class to be over with. whew.

so good to get alone time, but i do admit, it gets lonely.

i really do love your black & whites!

i know, i need to do some catching up w/ blog reading + commenting. :p

stacey said...

I hope you feel better for your birthday and your time in Seattle! Have fun!

Tracey said...

I hope you had a fun bday week! AND that you are feeling better! I just finished reading The Language of Flowers. Was good!