Friday, May 20, 2011


No pictures today. (I took a bunch on our drive, but haven't downloaded them.)
We are in Sunriver, near Bend, Oregon, for hubby's Pole, Pedal, Paddle race tomorrow.
A little randomness:
1. We are staying in a big, wonderfully furnished house with a lap pool (though I don't swim) and hot tub.
Poor Maggie walked right out onto the covered pool and fell in. Luckily her lab, webbed paws kicked-in and she started swimming. It was kind of hilarious though. Max's room has a bunk bed and while he really wanted to sleep on top we eventually convinced him to sleep below so he wouldn't fall out of bed. (I don't need to take anyone to the ER this trip. Heck, I don't even know where it is.)
2. The king sized bed is wonderful! I love my husband, but I am not sure I will ever get used to sleeping in a bed with someone. (Sorry, dear. It's not you. It's me.)
3. Guess where I ended up sleeping part of the night?...(You're smart readers. I'm sure you can guess.)
4. I really, really want a latte. But I can't. Went to urgent care Wednesday night after three days of upper stomach pain. Not a stomachache, but just pain. Pain to the touch. Worse pain after eating. They said it was gastritis or dyspepsia. While there they gave me this great cocktail of a Mylanta-like liquid with a little lidocaine thrown in for the pain. It worked great but only last about an hour. So I'm on a couple of prescription meds now. One I take in the morning and the other I take three times a day before meals and at night. Yay.
5. I really want a latte. (Oh wait, I already told you that.)
6. And what fun is vacation when you are supposed to stick to the bland foods. Blah.
7. I'd really like a beer too. (Not right now. It's only 10am. Later.)
8. This post would be much more fun if it had a photo or two and I was drinking my latte.
Happy Friday, friends!


stacey said...

The place you are staying sounds amazing!

I hope you feel better!! And get that latte soon! :-) Have a great weekend!

Amanda said...

Random responses:
A king size bed is a must for us. Love my hubby dearly but I need my space.
I really hope you are feeling better soon - I'm totally with you on the food thing. That's more than 1/2 the fun of any vacation for me too. And no lattes? That's just cruel.
I'll look forward to seeing your vaca photos when you have a chance to upload. Oregon is so beautiful!

Marvett Smith said...

Have a great time!